How Long Does A Deep

How Long Does A Deep Teeth Cleaning Take?

Are you considering a deep cleaning for your teeth? Deep teeth cleanings are a great way to avoid serious dental issues down the road, so it’s important to understand exactly what they involve. In this blog post, we’ll provide a detailed overview of how long a deep teeth cleaning typically takes and what to expect during the procedure. 

What Is a Deep Teeth Cleaning?

A deep teeth cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure that goes beyond a regular teeth cleaning. It’s typically done when a patient shows signs of gum disease. During the procedure, plaque and tartar are removed from below the gum line and the surfaces of the roots of the teeth are smoothed. The process of scaling and root planing is one of the most effective non-surgical treatments for gum disease. 

What Are the Benefits of Getting a Deep Teeth Cleaning?

Regular teeth cleanings are a crucial part of maintaining your oral health, but for those who are suffering from oral health issues like gum disease or severe plaque buildup, a deep teeth cleaning may be necessary. The benefits of getting a deep teeth cleaning include: 

  • Removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria below the gum line 
  • Treating gum disease 
  • Reducing inflammation and bad breath 
  • Alleviating sensitivity in teeth 
  • Preventing tooth loss and decay

How Long Does it Take to Get a Deep Teeth Cleaning?

A deep teeth cleaning usually requires more than one visit, with each appointment lasting about 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the level of plaque and calculus buildup. During this time, the dentist or hygienist uses special tools to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth, as well as clean and polish them. Local anesthetics or numbing agents can help make the process more comfortable.

What Should I Expect After a Deep Cleaning?

After your dental deep teeth cleaning, your gums may feel tender and sensitive for a few days, but this is normal and will subside as you heal. Additionally, you may experience some sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, as well as some minor bleeding.  After the deep cleaning is complete, your dentist may suggest follow-up visits every 6 months to ensure your teeth remain healthy.

Dangers of Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, causes extensive damage to the gums and other parts of the mouth if left untreated. Some of the potential risks associated with gum disease include:

  • Increased tooth decay: Untreated gum disease weakens the structures that hold teeth in place, leading to tooth loss.
  • Gum recession: Infected gums recede away from teeth, causing them to become more sensitive.
  • Jawbone deterioration: Over time, the tissue that supports your teeth can break down, causing your jawbone to become weakened.
  • Bad breath: Gum disease can lead to bad breath due to the bacteria that build up in the mouth.
  • Heart disease: Gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. 

It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of gum disease and visit your dentist for a deep cleaning if you suspect you may have it.

North Shore Prosthodontic Associates

At North Shore Prosthodontic Associates, we can help you achieve excellent oral health. Our dentists provide comprehensive dental services, including deep teeth cleanings, in three convenient locations across New York State: Manhattan, Manhasset, and Woodbury. Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment.