What Are Dental Implants Made Of?

What Are Dental Implants Made Of?

Dental implants are the latest technology in dental prosthetics, or artificial teeth. They are the highest quality tooth replacement option available in dentistry. Dental implants have a 98% success rate for patients who are good candidates for the procedure. 

A key element of the success of dental implants are the materials that go into their manufacture. What are dental implants made of? Learn about the makeup of dental implants and the science behind it. 

Titanium: A Biocompatible Material 

The root portion of a dental implant is made of titanium, a naturally occurring element of a specific group on the periodic table, the transition metals. There are many characteristics of titanium that make it a biocompatible material, including its resistance to corrosion and its ability to bond with other materials. It is safe for use within the body and capable of fusing with bone tissue. 

A dental implant is surgically placed in the bone of the jaw. It is a titanium post with ridges that help it fuse with the bone and form a solid bond that is unlikely to slip out of place. This process is called osseointegration and it takes a few months for the bond to become stable enough to support a prosthetic. 

Once the implant has sufficiently fused with the jaw bone, an abutment can be added, the connecting piece that the prosthetic will attach to. The abutment is also made of titanium. Then a crown, bridge, or dentures can be attached to the abutment to complete the restoration. 

Benefits of Titanium for Dental Implants 

Titanium is used for dental implants due to its many benefits:

  • Strength. Titanium is strong and unlikely to bend or break, making it capable of withstanding the force of biting and chewing. 
  • Resistance to corrosion. Titanium won’t corrode when it comes into contact with bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, water, etc. 
  • Ability to bond with bone. Transition metals like titanium have electrons that easily bond with other elements, including human bone such as that in the jaw. 
  • Longevity. Titanium can exist for many years without breaking down or weakening in any way, making dental implants capable of lasting forever. 

Porcelain: A Natural Look and Function 

Dental prosthetics are often made of porcelain, a specially manufactured type of ceramic. Porcelain is used to make dental crowns, dental bridges, and dentures. A porcelain crown can be attached to a dental implant to replace a single tooth. Implant supported bridges made of porcelain can replace a few teeth in a row using two implants, one on each end of the bridge, as anchors. Porcelain implant supported dentures can be anchored in the jaw by 4-6 dental implants. 

Benefits of Porcelain for Dental Prosthetics 

There are many benefits to using porcelain for dental prosthetics: 

  • Natural appearance. Porcelain resembles natural tooth enamel in texture and sheen. It is customizable to match the color and shape of your existing teeth. From a single crown to replace one tooth to a bridge or dentures, porcelain creates a natural-looking prosthetic. 
  • Strength. Porcelain is also valued for its strength and durability, holding up to the force of biting and chewing. Prosthetics made of porcelain can be just as strong as your natural teeth, if not stronger in some cases. 
  • Quality. Porcelain is one of the highest quality materials for dental prosthetics. They can also be made of metal, acrylic, composite resin, and other materials, but nothing compares with porcelain when it comes to giving you a natural looking smile. 

Where Can I Get Quality Dental Implants? 

If you want the highest quality dental implants, North Shore Prosthodontic Associates provides implants made of titanium and prosthetics made of porcelain for a natural looking and functioning restoration. Once the titanium fuses with the bone, dental implants can last a lifetime, making your investment worthwhile. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.